Naziv i skraćeni naziv tvrtke: VIDEON proizvodnja, trgovina, marketing, uvoz-izvoz d.o.o., skraćeno: Videon d.o.o. Sjedište tvrtke: Zenička 24, 10000 zagreb. Sud kod kojeg je tvrtka upisana u Sudski registar: Trgovački sud u Zagrebu Broj pod kojim je tvrtka upisana u Sudski registar: MBS 080381804. Naziv i sjedište financijskih institucija u kojima tvrtka ima otvorene račune zajedno s brojevima računa: Raiffeisen bank, Magazinska cesta 69, 10000 Zagreb. IBAN: HR9024840081100693134 Prezimena i najmanje jedno ime člana Uprave društva: Zoran Anić. Iznos temeljnog kapitala i je li uplaćen u cijelosti: 20.900,00 kn, uplaćen u cijelosti.

reliable & reputable partner
Our goal is to become a reliable and reputable partner, both reagionally and across Europe. Develop a sustainable business model that would make us different from other in region and European competitors and become the preferred employer and partner.
Services we offer

Business and mediation
Marketing, Consultation & Representation of foreign companies
Trade agency on domestic and foreign markets

Organization Transport and maintenance of vehicles and wagons
Organization of railway, road and river-sea transport in Croatia and abroad. We offer our clients and organize maintenance of wagons by the ECM and VPI certificate and 24-hour maintenance service through a mobile team in Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Italy and Hungary.
Logistics services in transport.
Agency activities in traffic.

Other service activities
Real Estate rental and maintenance of wagons, locomotives and real estate.
Computer and related activities.
Over the years of work and constant monitoring of market needs, we aspire to quality and customer satisfaction of our services.
- The high level of professionalism, mobility and teamwork gives RAIL NET Ltd. the ability to become your safe and good partner.
- RAIL NET Ltd. offers complete logistic solutions (road, rail, see, air), as well as storage and trans-shipment of goods.
- Company headquarters of RAIL NET Ltd. is located (Savski Marof border) in near Zagreb, but we operate across Croatia, the region and Europe.
- For further questions regarding RAIL NET Ltd. and a possible business cooperation, our team is at your disposal.
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